This may not have inspired me to write a story, but it definitely inspired me to start a new Christmas tradition with my children. We write letters and make small goals for the year on paper and slip it into a coffee canister. Then next Christmas Eve we open them and read them aloud. We have made a committment to continue it every year. This keeps my kids close to each other and as they grow up talking to each other if only once a year.
ReplyDeleteThis may not have inspired me to write a story, but it definitely inspired me to start a new Christmas tradition with my children. We write letters and make small goals for the year on paper and slip it into a coffee canister. Then next Christmas Eve we open them and read them aloud. We have made a committment to continue it every year. This keeps my kids close to each other and as they grow up talking to each other if only once a year.
I love traditions like that. If you keep the letters and look back on them later, it's amazing how the years amplify their importance.